
happy kid dreaming of flying in the sky with suitcase and camera

The Reason for Children’s Fantasies and Parents’ Appropriate Behavior With This Situation

Many children who do not show challenging or disturbing behaviors, and may not be noticed by the school or parents, usually daydream and make fantasies everyday. They may not need support at all, but a caring family and an expert in this field must monitor these children and investigate their issues.

a mother shouting at her daughter

Serious Negative Effects of Parental Shouting on Children

If you are a parent, you know that sometimes your emotions overwhelm you and you may vent your anger on your child. This situation must have happened to every parent and it is completely normal. The good news is that parents can change the way they talk to their children and talk to them respectfully instead of shouting.

parent drawing with a kid

Treatment of Three- And Four-Year-Olds in Daily Activities

You do not have to play with your child to teach and entertain him, but you can encourage your child to do housework and thus increase his sense of responsibility. In this article we provide you with tips on how to use all opportunities to educate and love your child.

two kids playing

The Growth and Development of 3-4 Year Old Children and Tips for Dealing With Them

A child over the age of three can more easily express his or her feelings in words, is able to control emotions, anger and fear, and is less dependent on others. Read this article to find out more about the growth and development of children at ages of 3 to 4.

father reading to son to nurture their mind

Suitable Environment for Nurturing the Child’s Mind

In this article, we offer simple examples of activities (such as counting numbers, asking questions, and physical activities), that parents can do in order to provide a suitable environment for their children to help them nurture their mind.