
What Can Be Done to Have Children With High Emotional Intelligence?

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Emotional intelligence refers to the ability of individuals to recognize and control their own and others' personal feelings, as well as to use this ability to make better decisions, think creatively, motivate themselves and others, enjoy better health and relationships, and live happier lives.

Emotional intelligence is the best predictor of a child's future achievements, and many people also believe that emotional intelligence contributes to children's success more than IQ and technical skills.

The first step in promoting emotional intelligence in our children and even ourselves is first to recognize different emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, happiness, shame, etc., and then to find logical ways to express them; Ask yourself, how exactly do I feel right now? Am I upset, am I jealous? Am I angry? When we identify our feelings and find a suitable way to express them, we finally reach control and expression of emotion.

  1. Avoid criticizing the child too much
  2. Instead of saying, "You're driving me crazy", say "I get angry when you do this." In this case, your child understands that the problem is with his behavior and not with himself. Avoid criticizing too much because it will cause the child to lose self-confidence.

  3. Calmness is one of the main needs of a child
  4. Teach calm to the child, teach him how to soothe and calm himself; The child learns the meaning of calming down from the parents and learns how to control his needs and how to keep himself calm in the face of problems in life.

  5. Know the child's emotions
  6. Let the child express his feelings. Instead of ignoring or humiliating your child, treat him in a way that he can express his feelings to you.

  7. Know how to solve emotional problems
  8. Use emotional problems to learn how to solve problems; When your child has a problem with another child, explain his/her limitations clearly, then guide him/her to find a suitable solution. For example, you can say, "You built a building with toy bricks and your brother ruined it. I know that you are angry now. But you should not hit him, so what else can you do when you get angry?"

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